
So you want to work from home but not sure what it entails to get... home?

With so many businesses and entrepreneurs saving money and resources by going virtual, the need to hire someone remotely is growing at a rapid pace. And now with Covid-19 in our world, many companies have decided to join the "remote club" as well.

The Mom Office was created by a mom for other moms who want to work from home.

Here, you can:

  • Search for a job on our job board that pulls the needles-in-a-haystack jobs to one place.
  • Get all the details and secrets to finding a work from home job.
  • Learn the skills you need to have for many remote jobs.
  • Get support, access to free resources, and much more!

If you want to be a work from home mom...


Whether you need a flexible schedule to allow times for nursing the baby or taking care of a toddler who needs you every 5 minutes… 

or you have older children that are in school allowing you a few hours at the same time each day…

There ARE jobs out there that fit your mom life. It takes determination sometimes, but it is 100% possible for you to find what you need.

Here are some quick options for you to be a work from home mom:   

Find and apply for jobs on remote job boards [pssst.. The Mom Office has a job board]

Become a virtual assistant and make your own hours

Network with people and offer your services as a remote contractor or employee

Start your own virtual business (There's a whole world of entrepreneurship out there!)

Join a network marketing company

Convince your current boss to allow you to take work home (Can't hurt to ask-Even if it's a few days per week!)

The possibilities are endless. Here at The Mom Office, we focus mainly on jobs you can apply for and virtual assistance.

Hi, I'm Amber Lang...

I’m the founder of The Mom Office, a wife and a mom of two awesome boys (now 4 & 5). Today, I have 6+ years of working from home experience and have gained a ton of knowledge about the ‘remote world.’

Before all of that, I’d been working as a full-time corporate employee since the age of 16. I’ve always had a good work ethic and determination to work 40+ weekly hours most of the time. Working from home had never crossed my mind until my husband and I got pregnant and had our first boy.

Something inside of me changed and at that point, I desperately felt that I needed and wanted to be home with my baby. But this day in age, most households need two incomes and we just started a family. I still wanted to work and make money, but more than anything, I wanted to be the one holding my baby anytime he needed. 

By some fluke, I found a part-time position with a virtual company that paid very little and tested my patience, but it allowed me to cut down my corporate hours and stay home 2 days a week (with some convincing to my boss, of course). It was better than nothing. But at that time, I still had no clue what I was doing, where to find a legit remote job, or that they even existed, really. So I took what I could. 

19 months later, I got pregnant with our 2nd boy and my corporate boss told me that once baby #2 was born, I needed to make a decision: come back as a full-time employee or not at all. So during my 2nd pregnancy, I sat at my desk in my cubicle and paid a monthly fee to search for a ‘needle-in-a-haystack’ position on a popular job board, not even caring if my coworkers or boss could see what I was doing.  That’s how desperate I felt.

Fast forward to now. Obviously, I left my corporate job once we had our 2nd baby, and never looked back. It was challenging and there were several months that I was making no income (and honestly, I tried making some cash with a network marketing company- but it wasn’t quite for me or what I wanted).  

I eventually found a whole world of legit, remote jobs and virtual companies. I landed an amazing job working for a lead generation company with a super flexible schedule, an understanding boss, a fun group of virtual team members, and consistent payment every two weeks. In fact, I completey replaced my corporate income, and then some. And who knew! There are TONS of virtual companies that have the most amazing work culture that truly value a work/life balance.

6 years ago, I wish I had a place to begin my journey as a work from home mom- even if just to be informed better for what I was looking for, to understand my goals, and know what my options were… And that’s precisely why I’ve created this website for other mothers to have everything at their fingertips to make their dream come true to make an income and be home with their babies. 

My personal journey was not easy. But I wouldn’t change this for the world! Had I listened to other people and their doubts, or had I not DECIDED on this for myself, I would not be here working from home, listening to my boys play in the other room, and still in my pajamas at 11:15am. 

Whatever your decision looks like for you and your family, it’s 100% supported here, as everyone’s journey or motherhood is different from the next. 

Good luck and I wish you moms all the best! 

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear!" - Jack Canfield

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